Tuesday, October 20


I'll do my very best to make a long story short...

Six months ago, I was invited to a "coupon class."  Unfortunately, I didn't make it a priority to go.  I thought coupons were trivial.  I thought they were for items I never use and couldn't understand how they would even come close to making a dent in my weekly budget.  I was SOOOO wrong (and I would like to explain just how wrong... in another post.) 

Anyway, I eventually caught on to this whole "couponing" thing and discovered my brain totally gets it and my personality totally digs it.  Let me tell you, I like nice things (unfortunately another "personality thing") and coupons afford me my nice things FREE or really super cheap!

So... fast-forward to now.  Shannon at For the Mommas is awesome and she suggested I apply to be a Savings.com DealPro.  This is a DealPro:

A DealPro is someone who is passionate about finding deals and coupons. Their money-saving advice is sought after by their friends and family. A DealPro thrives off sharing their saving savvy with with others. Does this sound like you? If so, you’re who we’re looking for.

I knew I was/am pretty good at Savvy Shopping, but was I good enough to be considered for one of 30 DealPro spots?  The answer is "YES!"  So, on November 5, I will be attending Savings.com's Save Up Event in San Francisco.  I will learn to be better at bringing you the best deals!

So... STAY TUNED.  You should see some improvements in the blog and the deals when I return!  WOO HOO :-)


Anonymous said...

i see --

i suppose this means this blog is really a satellite sponsor of sorts for savings.com, and this is a second income?

well good for you, stay active though, don't get fat!

Jolon said...

haha! I'll do my best.
Actually this is my personal blog and I'm not compensated by anyone at the moment... That would certainly be nice though :-)

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Tuesday, October 20


I'll do my very best to make a long story short...

Six months ago, I was invited to a "coupon class."  Unfortunately, I didn't make it a priority to go.  I thought coupons were trivial.  I thought they were for items I never use and couldn't understand how they would even come close to making a dent in my weekly budget.  I was SOOOO wrong (and I would like to explain just how wrong... in another post.) 

Anyway, I eventually caught on to this whole "couponing" thing and discovered my brain totally gets it and my personality totally digs it.  Let me tell you, I like nice things (unfortunately another "personality thing") and coupons afford me my nice things FREE or really super cheap!

So... fast-forward to now.  Shannon at For the Mommas is awesome and she suggested I apply to be a Savings.com DealPro.  This is a DealPro:

A DealPro is someone who is passionate about finding deals and coupons. Their money-saving advice is sought after by their friends and family. A DealPro thrives off sharing their saving savvy with with others. Does this sound like you? If so, you’re who we’re looking for.

I knew I was/am pretty good at Savvy Shopping, but was I good enough to be considered for one of 30 DealPro spots?  The answer is "YES!"  So, on November 5, I will be attending Savings.com's Save Up Event in San Francisco.  I will learn to be better at bringing you the best deals!

So... STAY TUNED.  You should see some improvements in the blog and the deals when I return!  WOO HOO :-)


Anonymous said...

i see --

i suppose this means this blog is really a satellite sponsor of sorts for savings.com, and this is a second income?

well good for you, stay active though, don't get fat!

Jolon said...

haha! I'll do my best.
Actually this is my personal blog and I'm not compensated by anyone at the moment... That would certainly be nice though :-)

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